15 Symptoms That Indicate When Your Menopause Will Start

Menopause is maybe one of the most frightening and nerve-racking (although natural) processes, which affects women’s well-being at their mid-age.

The gradual decrease in the production of reproductive hormones, which develops for several years, leads to the cessation of menstruation. This usually occurs in women between 50 and 55 years old, but it’s completely possible that you’ll experience it at 45 or 60 years old.

Your gynecologist can say that you’ve already reached menopause, if you haven’t had menstruation for 12 months, and you’re not pregnant or ill.

The bad news is that most women experience menopause-associated symptoms several years before their menstrual cycle finally ends.

Each of us has individual features, so if your sister has had insomnia and urination problems during menopause, it doesn’t mean that you’ll have the same problems.

However, it’s worth knowing that these symptoms alone or their combination may mean that menopause is coming:

1. Irregular menstruation.
Your periods may become not so regular as usually. Skipping menses, having heavier or lighter menstrual bleeding may indicate hormonal changes, related to menopause.

2. Hot flashes.
It’s maybe the most common symptom that occurs in women close to menopause. A sudden sense of heat usually starts in the upper body and then spread downwards. At the same time, skin becomes red and heart rate speeds up significantly.

3. Night sweats.
It’s not uncommon that hot flashes happen at night, making you sweat profusely.

4. Sleeplessness
Even if you work hard, it may be really difficult to fall asleep and sleep well during the whole night. Sometimes night sweats are the main culprits of insomnia in middle-aged women.

5. Frequent need to urinate
In menopause, the tissue that surrounds your v@gina and urethra, lose their elasticity, and pelvic muscles weaken too. This may result in too frequent urge to urinate, even if the bladder is empty. Moreover, women in menopause are much more likely to get urinary tract infection, which can also cause urination problems.

6. Dryness down there
A drop of estrogen may lead to v@ginal dryness and itching. Lack of lubrication can make intercourses really painful, reducing your sex drive.

7. Mood swings
Abrupt changes in mood may be a sign of hormonal fluctuations, occurred before menopause.

8. Headaches
Everyone experiences painful sensations in the head from time to time. Many women suffer from headaches because of fluctuations in sex hormones, related to menopause.

9. Thin skin
Lack of collagen and improper lubrication of the skin, which were found as frequent problems in menopausal women, can make your skin extremely dry and thin.

10. Hair loss
It sounds really thrilling but the menopause-associated reduction of estrogen levels can lead to hair brittleness and excessive hair loss.

11. Increased waist size
When the amount of estrogen goes down, you may gain weight. It was found that women in menopause usually accumulate fat around the waist. Unfortunately, fatty tissue may also build up near internal organs, increasing risks for diabetes, heart disease, and other serious disorders.

12. Reduced breast fullness
Most age-related breast changes develop close to menopause when estrogen levels decline.

13. Depression
Emotional symptoms of menopause may be even more uncomfortable than a headache, hot flashes, night sweats, and other physical sensations.

14. Trouble concentrating
Can’t focus and remember things? It may be the first symptom of menopause!

15. Stiff joints
It may be a bit more difficult to move because of stiff and painful joints, especially if you follow a sedentary lifestyle and don’t exercise regularly.

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