Though some people think that spiders are cute little animals and can be proven a very good pet, not everyone likes to have them as house guests. Many people use pesticides to get rid of spiders but do not understand that these pesticides have a lot of adverse effects on the human body functions and can affect generations after generation.
Therefore, if you are scared of spiders and do not want them in your house, plant some spider repellent trees so that you can have a patch of greenery or a small garden and repel spiders at the same time.

Here is a list of seven plants that repel spiders like a pro and keeps them at bay:

1. Lavender

Lavenders are beautiful flowers with very sweet and pleasant smell that is hated by insects and pests especially mosquitoes and spiders. The usage of lavender is prevalent for centuries, it is used as a pest repellent and scent inducer for a long period of time.
Therefore, if you plant some lavender near the doorway or in the sunny areas of the garden, it can help you to have a fresh spider free home environment filled with a very pleasing smell. You can even extract oil from it and pray that at the corners of your room to keep it fresh.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is a hybrid mint between water mint and spearmint and an extremely refreshing and flavorsome herb. Peppermint oil has high intensity of natural pesticide called Pulegone.
This helps in preventing spiders and other insects in a very effective way, and that is why having a small patch of peppermint garden at your home can be proven very effective. It acts as a natural refresher, flavorsome herb for food and insecticide at the same time.

3. Lemon Grass

Citronella is the oil that is found in lemongrass. This oil repels spiders and prohibits them from coming back. You may have seen pest control products at the store has a special ingredient called citronella oil and that is nothing but lemongrass extract.
It has a very amiable fragrance that is severely detested by the spiders and other pests and therefore if you grow these at the window panes or in your balcony, you can be sure to keep unwanted bugs at distance.

4. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm or common balm is a perennial shrub of the mint family. It has a lemony scent similar to other mint trees. It produces an essential oil that is a great insect repellent as well as has high cosmetic value.
It keeps all kinds of creepy-crawlies at distance and is extremely good as a skincare item. It soothes and rejuvenates skin and calms and heals burns. These are medium-sized shrubs having a height of maximum thirty inches making that perfect for any kind of small patch of lawn.

5. Basil

Basil has innumerable qualities. It is a delicious herb and keeps spiders and houseflies out of your way. They are very easy to maintain and you can easily grow them at your garden, or put them in a container at the window side.
You can even make insect repellent spray by mixing basil extract and cheap vodka. You can regularly spray it at your door, kitchen, bedrooms, and study room without the fear of adverse effects of pesticides. It is cheap, easy to make and effective as well.

6. Dill

Dill is an extremely well-known herb from the celery family and has many uses in the culinary sector. But it is very little known that it acts as a great bug juice too.
Dill has been proven as a great insect repellent and it effectively pushes away spiders from home if they are planted nearby.

7. Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbenas are perennial plants that grow around two to three meters high and have rough but glossy leaves. These leaves are pointed in structures and emit very powerful smell if it is bruised a little.
Bugs and pests, especially spiders cannot stand this smell and that keeps them at bay. Not only as a spider repellent, but it also works amazingly as a flavorsome herb for any fish or other continental dishes. Therefore, having a lemon Verbena can act as a dual purpose.


If you want to get rid of spiders and do not want them in your house or garden area, plant the above 7 spider repellent plants so that you can have a beautiful and healthy spider-free garden.


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