What to eat to reduce risk of heart attack

In today’s demanding society, most of us are exposed with many types of stress and many bad habits like consuming unhealthy food or smoking. Under this circumstances, it creates more loads to our heart and eventually may be at the brink of  suffering a heart attack. Fatty food increases cholesterol levels which leads to vascular plaques that prevent the heart from working correctly. In this article, we are about to discuss the ways to your blood vessels and improve your overall well-being.


Salmon, mackerel, herring, haddock and other fatty fish decreased the risk of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis. They also contain lots of vitamins as well as minerals. Vitamins B and D together with riboflavin help the bones to absorb calcium. Other minerals contained in fish are iron, zinc and selenium. They boost our health and fight heart diseases so fish can make a very healthy, tasty and nutritious meal. Ideally, consume two to three times a week.


Consumption of oatmeal dates back to 7,000 BC, exactly oats where the cereals humans cultivated first. Ancient Chinese enjoyed this food and ancient Greeks invented a porridge. More than 75% of the Americans eat oatmeal for breakfast. Oatmeal decreases the levels of bad cholesterol and improves digestion. Coarse oatmeal is the healthiest.


Blueberries and strawberries are very good at lowering blood pressure and dilating blood vessels. Strawberry lovers also get fiber, folate, antioxidants and potassium from these berries. The red berries are full to the brim with vitamin C and they contain more than oranges. On top of that, they are very low in calories or sugar. As for blueberries, native Americans use these berries for medicinal purposes, for example treating bad coughs, and improving the vision. High in vitamin C and E, blueberries are the second most popular berries in the USA.


Dark chocolate has a minimum of 60 to 70% cocoa. Such type of chocolate helps to normalize blood pressure and fight inflammation and blood clotting. It also provides anti-stress effect as it increases the production of serotonin which is known for its calming effects. Cocoa, the main component of dark chocolate also helps to prevent memory decline. Another reason to eat chocolate regularly is the fact that it is good for your skin and protects it from ultraviolet rays.


Nuts contain protein fibres that are useful for the heart. They also have vitamin E as their ingredient which helps to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol. Ancient Greeks were known to believe that hazelnuts could cure a cough and baldness. Almonds are so rich in vitamin E that they can be stored in a refrigerator for as long as two years. Chestnuts contain a lot of vitamin C, about 20% of their weight but if you have a dog, don’t give it macadamia nuts as they are poisonous to these animals.


Just a couple of spoons a day will lower the bad cholesterol levels and sugar in your blood. Olive oil is very high in oleic acid which reduces blood pressure. It is interesting that when the olives are crashed, oil leaves them naturally, therefore, beneficial ingredients and vitamins are not harmed by chemicals or preservatives. It is also a belief that this oil has an effect of protection from several types of cancer such as breast, digestive tract and prostate ones.


This drink reduces fat deposits in your blood vessels and assists in detoxification and weight loss. It is able to reduce the risk of dementia and prostate cancer. French scientists have also found out that red wine contains some elements which can prolong the human lifespan for about 60%. Though beneficial, it still should be consumed in moderation.


Bioactive compounds contained in this drink improve health, such compounds are antioxidants and strong medicinal properties. Green tea makes the brain function better. It has a positive influence on the process of fat-burning, boosting the rate of metabolism. In certain cases, Green Tea can decrease the risk of different types of cancer such as prostate and breast cancer. It lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Just one cup a day stops the formation of cholesterol plaques.


Broccoli contain lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They activate the heart and normalize blood pressure. They are also rich in fibre. Broccoli in particular has a lot of medicinal benefits such as prevention of some kinds of cancer, digestive system and improve detoxification of the body. They also resemble a vitamin injection, filling you with numerous vitamins and minerals for skin protection, vision improvement and prevention from allergic reactions. On the other hand, spinach contains manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. There are also other essential vitamins such as folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin b and others. It improves eyesight, keeps blood pressure stable and even makes your muscles stronger.


This is an incredibly nutritious fruit that decreases the bad cholesterol levels and helps clear the arteries. It is rich in healthy fats and vitamin B, C E and K as well as folate. Avocados are packed with fibre which can be useful for weight loss, blood sugar reduction and other health benefiting processes.


Pomegranates contain antioxidants that lower blood pressure and normalize blood circulation, as well as increase haemoglobin levels. Surprisingly, pomegranates also have certain antibacterial properties which can help you to reduce dental plaque and fight away different oral diseases.


This spice can protect you from heart diseases and atherosclerosis. It also boosts metabolism and helps you to lose weight. Cinnamon is one of the spices with top amount of antioxidants, beating garlic and 26 other spices. It also has a strong effect against diabetes by lowering blood sugar.


This fruit plays an important role in vascular health as it stabilizes the cholesterol levels and contains antioxidants. It provides hydration which is a great for the health of skin and hair. Getting some watermelon juice before your routine workout can prevents lesser muscle soreness.


Garlic dilates the vessels, lowers blood pressure, alleviates vasoconstriction and prevents atherosclerotic plaques from appearing. It improves digestion as well assisting in the functioning of the intestines. Being rich in selenium, vitamin C and quercetin, it helps your eyes protecting them from infection and swelling. It is a well-known fact that to survive a cold with minimal discomfort, one should consume a lot of garlic.


These fruits are rich in fibre that helps your heart by normalizing blood circulation and are cheaper and more readily available alternatives to pomegranates. Besides, apples will help to maintain white and healthy teeth. The saliva that get secreted when you take a bite of the apple reduces the decay of your teeth and lowers the level of bacteria. As for pears, they boost your immune system, prevent osteoporosis, take care of the digestive system and boost energy level.


To prepare this drink you will need  half a pint of ginger juice, half a pint of garlic puree, half a pint of lemon juice, half a pint of apple cider vinegar and five tablespoons of honey. Mix all the ingredients except for honey and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes and stir continuously. Take it off the heat and cool it completely, then add honey and mix it all. Keep the mixture in a clean bottle and store in the fridge for one to two months. Take one tablespoon of the liquid every morning on an empty stomach.
Garlic and honey reduced blood pressure and the level of cholesterol while ginger prevents heart diseases. Lemon regulates heartbeats, and apple cider vinegar removes toxins from the body

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